Quality Audit Templates

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Atkins contractor

All ITS as-built deliverables from the contractor must be tested by an independent auditor to verify quality and accuracy of each submittal before acceptance. The results of each audit will include:

  • Audit details
  • Test results
  • The auditor’s recommendation for FDOT to accept or reject the deliverable

The auditor will use the District’s ITSFM Functional Requirements to determine which features and attributes are considered required vs optional. All submitted features and attributes will be scored during acceptance testing.


ITSFM Data Collection Form Audit Report

The auditor will test all ITSFM Data Collection forms to determine data completeness and accuracy then document the results in the Data Collection Form audit report. These forms are used to document as-built conditions for population into the ITSFM database. Each submittal must include all required forms for each equipment site or the entire submittal package will be returned for corrective action. Each form is tested for legibility, completeness and the absence of errors. All issues found during the audit are redlined on the forms and used to determine the score. The results of each test are recorded on individual tabs within the report and the results automatically populate on the Summary tab to indicate a pass or fail condition.

Report NumberTitle
ITSFM1001ITSFM Data Collection Audit Report Template, Version 10/23


ITSFM Data Collection Audit Report Template 


ITSFM GPS Mapping Audit Report

The auditor will test all GPS mapping files to determine data completeness and accuracy then document the results in the GPS Mapping audit report. Each file is tested for completeness and the absence of errors. All issues found during the audit are highlighted in the test file and used to determine the score. The results of each test are recorded on individual tabs within the report and the results automatically populate on the Summary tab to indicate a pass or fail condition.

The auditor will also review pictures to verify completeness and they meet requirements and the results automatically populate on the Summary tab to indicate a pass or fail condition.:

  • Pictures are clear, properly rotated and in-focus
  • Picture file size do not exceed 500kb
  • Picture file names match the data dictionary descriptions
  • Picture are organized in separate folders for each equipment site
  • Folder names include the Site Identification Name of the equipment site
Report NumberTitle
ITSFM1002ITSFM GPS Mapping Audit Report Template, Version 10/23


ITSFM GPS Mapping Audit Report Template 


ITSFM Feature Import Template Audit Report

The auditor will test all Feature Import Template files to determine data completeness and accuracy then document the results in the Feature Import Template audit report. Each file is tested for completeness and the absence of errors. All issues found during the audit are highlighted in the test file and used to determine the score. The results of each test are recorded on individual tabs within the report and the results automatically populates on the Summary tab to indicate a pass or fail condition.

Report NumberTitle
ITSFM1003ITSFM Import Template Audit Report, Version 08/24

ITSFM1003 Form