South Lakeland Airport

Your portal to comprehensive airport planning and development resources for Florida’s public-use airports!

Florida’s airports are more than just travel hubs – they are economic engines that foster prosperity and development in their communities. They are also complex entities that take a great deal of vision and planning to meet their community’s needs. This FDOT Airport Data Viewer was developed to provide interested stakeholders with a high-level overview of Florida’s 128 public-use airports. This data is provided across six primary categories that progress from left to right at the top of this page. Topics include:

  • Economic Impact
  • Planning Documents
  • State-Funded Projects
  • Licensing Inspections
  • Pavement Inspections
  • Airport Directory Information

Please explore the data, documents, and resources provided in this Data Viewer to learn more about Florida’s dynamic aviation system. If you have any questions, please reach out to the FDOT Aviation Office at or (850) 414-4500.

Economic Impact

Apart from providing air travel, the figures below represent one of the most important impacts of Florida airports on their communities. The FDOT AO periodically commissions Statewide Aviation Economic Impact Studies (AEIS) to quantify and communicate the contributions of Florida’s airports and aviation industry at local, regional (FDOT District), and statewide levels. The most recent project, the 2022 Statewide Aviation Economic Impact Study (2022 AEIS) is an update to the previously completed 2019 AEIS and includes quantitative results, qualitative case studies, and real-life stories that justify continued investment for the robust aviation system in the Sunshine State.

Economic Impacts of South Lakeland Airport

Airport economic impacts are defined by the jobs, payroll, value added, and economic impact (output) generated by the airport. Definitions are provided by hovering over icons.

The sum of full-time and part-time employees, and account for the total number of people employed as a result of the airport or company within a defined geography or industry.



Total compensation for work, including gross wages, salaries, employer-provided benefits and taxes paid to governments on behalf of employees.



Consists of compensation of employees, taxes paid on production and imports, and gross operating surplus. Value added equals the difference between an industry’s gross output and the cost of its intermediate inputs.


Value Added

The value of sales or receipts and other operating income along with any inventory change (e.g., spoilage, breakage, or theft). It is the equivalent of value added plus the cost of all intermediate inputs (including energy, raw materials, semi-finished goods, and services) that are purchased from all sources/locations.


Economic Impact (Output)

A wide variety of documents and deliverables were developed for the 2022 AEIS, including individual airport brochures and PowerPoint presentations, FDOT District summaries, a statewide executive summary, and a technical report. Explore the economic contributions of this airport with the resources below. The remaining tabs provide additional detail on how Florida’s airports are planned, developed, and funded to continuously provide these substantial economic impacts.

Economic Impact
Economic Impact
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Technical Report


Historical Economic Impact Brochure
Historical Statewide Executive Summary
Historical Statewide Technical Report